Taxsys Info

Income is not a tax object. Sub-theme of Zakat/Religious Mandatory Donations

Income is not a tax object. Sub-theme of Zakat/Religious Mandatory Donations

on June 22nd 2022
Compulsory Zakat/Religious Donations Zakat is a property that must be set aside by a Muslim or a body owned by a Muslim in accordance with religious provisions to be given to those who are entitled to receive it. For people who do not embrace Islam, it is termed a obligatory religious contribution. Zakat/religious donation is one of the income that is excluded from the object of income tax.   General Requirements Zakat/religious donations can be deducted from gross income as the basis ... read more


on March 11th 2022
Sanksi pembayaran atau penyetoran pajak terlambat atas STP, apakah ada batas maksimal jumlah bulan untuk pengenaan sanksi?

Sanksi pembayaran atau penyetoran pajak terlambat atas STP, apakah ada batas maksimal jumlah bulan untuk pengenaan sanksi?

on February 4th 2020
Ketentuan Terkait:Pasal 9 Ayat 3 UU KUP(3)    Surat Tagihan Pajak, Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar, serta Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar Tambahan, dan Surat Keputusan Keberatan, Surat Keputusan Pembetulan, Putusan Banding, serta Putusan Peninjauan Kembali, yang menyebabkan jumlah pajak yang harus dibayar bertambah, harus dilunasi dalam jangka waktu 1 (satu) bulan sejak tanggal diterbitkan. Komentar/Kesimpulan/Catatan:Tidak ada batas jumlah bulan. Dengan demikian,,,, semakin ... read more
Latest Tax Consultation

Latest Tax Consultation

on January 30th 2018
Basically the company, in the form of PT, CV, Firm, Foundation, Cooperative, Institution, and so on at the end of each year must calculate, deposit and report Income Tax or Income Tax due for all income received for a year. In calculating the amount of income tax payable by the company / agency, they must know about income that is not a tax object, which is subject to Final Income Tax and which is a tax object, as well as deductible and non-deductible costs.   In addition, the company mus ... read more


on January 29th 2018
Sit occaecati explicabo in quis quibusdam cupiditate alias. Fugiat ratione sapie nte et voluptatibus modi et repellendus. Velit quos sit amet aspernatur esse Provident quaerat delectus cumque doloremque nihil. Voluptatibus provident offici is praesentium nemo quidem ut. Minus ab et modi quisquam id animi sit. Sint qui praesentium minus totam distinctio. Eos dolores omnis in aut voluptatum. Harum qui fugiat perferendis soluta quia quisquam. Unde in tempore quod in paria tur omnis.